So you'd rather live next door to a convicted sex offender than a Democrat.
Those Lowdown, Lying, Stinking Liberals!
By Joseph Walther
The current displays of conservative moral outrage over I. Lewis (“Scooter”) Libby’s indictment, along with the simultaneous liberal claims of moral superiority, make me sick. Within 24-hours of the President Bush’s press secretary last week referring to any impending indictment as “the legalization of politics”, every nationally televised conservative political talking head began incessantly incorporating the phrase into the preemptive condemnation of the potential indictments. The liberal vultures were no better with their shameless salivating over the prospect of a feeding frenzy resulting from potential Bush Administration carcasses. Adding stupidity on top of the already absurd, a local conservative radio talking head has decided to cash in. Rick Jensen of The Rick Jensen Show on WDEL, 1150 on the AM dial, decided to nail Senator Joe Biden and simultaneously accuse the lefties of bringing us to the point of collapse.
Personally, I think that Jensen overrates his analytical abilities. Anyway, here is a verbatim post, including the enlarged font, which Jensen made to his web site for Friday, October 28, 2005.
Senator Joe Biden released a statement on the indictment of Scooter Libby. Here's the statement and "What he really meant!" Senator Joseph Biden Statement Following Indictment of I. Lewis Libby“I take no satisfaction in learning of the indictment handed down today by the special prosecutor. It is a sad day for Mr. Libby and his family, and for the country. But in our system, the rule of law prevails, and those who break the law will be held accountable, even if they work in the White House. My greatest concern is that America faces enormous challenges at home and abroad, and I worry that the credibility of the Office of the President is diminished at this critical time when we need it most. Now... "What he really means" continuation by Rick:***With this in mind, it’s time to reinvigorate the special prosecutor’s office and indict as many Republicans as possible so we can effectively diminish this lying-ass President to the point where our country is at the brink of collapse in every way possible! Remember, it doesn’t matter if they’re really guilty of anything. Once we get them in front of federal prosecutors, we can get them on something! That way, we Democrats have a better chance of winning political offices in the next election cycles no matter how badly we have to destroy our economy, families or world stature to get this important goal accomplished!
First, Jensen’s web page is one of the sloppiest, discombobulated messes I have ever seen. It is a virtual monument to the world of inept web site design. Take a peak if you think I am exaggerating. Click here to see what I mean. It makes Jensen appear dumb and unprofessional. He is neither of these.
I have known Joe Biden for 56 of my 63 years. I seldom agree with him politically. His personal and professional integrity, however, are unimpeachable. It is true that he suffers from occasional and costly bouts of vocal impulsiveness. Overall, though, he’s candid and on target more often than not. He has consistently supported George Bush’s decision to wage a war in Iraq; something that Mr. Jensen failed to mention in his large-font tirade. You see, the senator’s criticism of the Bush war policy has always stemmed from the ineptness with which the president has conducted the war, not the war itself. If Mr. Jensen took the time to examine all of Mr. Biden’s statements regarding the Iraqi War, he would readily see that everything the senator said has come to fruition.
I agree with Joe Biden on the war critique. But, let me take it further. In my opinion, George W. Bush is a textbook example of managerial ineptitude. The execution of this war is just one example of numerous failures to act from a factual base instead of emotional investment. His aversion to paralysis by analysis, his attempts to oversimplify complex issues, his habit of flagrantly appointing unqualified cronies to critical positions, as well as his stated conversations with God, scare the hell out people capable of critical thinking.
Countless numbers of schizophrenics have admitted to hearing God speaking to them. I suspect that many of us, on a few occasions, may think that we’ve heard the voice of God guiding us in one way or another. However, the smart ones keep it to themselves, thus avoiding the suppressed, eye-rolling snickers of their friends, an insurmountable supply ammunition to their enemies, and perhaps avoiding the ultimate inconvenience: having the nut patrol confine them to a padded cell. God may speak to us in mysterious ways; but I don’t think it’s in our president’s best interest to go into vivid detail.
I listen to the Jensen show whenever I have the chance. He was a breath of fresh air when he emerged onto the scene of Delaware talk radio. He replaced a long-standing liberal whacko who favored governmental intrusion into every aspect of human endeavor. Jensen’s show was an instant success, with his popularity growing exponentially. His latest hissyfit at the lefties, Joe Biden in particular, may go a long way towards leveling off both of these trends.
Jensen’s reaction to the Libby indictments took me by surprise. The Grand Jury indicted Libby on five counts, comprised of two counts of making false statements, two counts of perjury, and one count of obstructing justice. I listened to every word of the special prosecutor’s press conference concerning the investigation process and the nature of the charges. He did not sound vindictive of anything other than Mr. Libby’s conduct. His press conference left me with the impression that he was upset with Libby’s lying under oath and nothing else.
Maybe I’ve misinterpreted the legal principle; but I thought it was the lying that was bothersome, not the subject of the lie. The liberals did the same thing when they tried to justify Bill Clinton’s lying under oath over sex with Monica Lewinski. “It was only about sex”, they said. I also seem to remember the rightists going berserk with glee over Clinton’s predicament and the prospect of rendering him politically impotent.
So, I think both the left and right must be confused. Let’s repeat it. My understanding is that the act of lying under oath is the crime. What you lie about is irrelevant. I don’t think that concept is complicated at all. Besides, if Libby believed that he had done nothing wrong, why did he decide to lie about it? Talk about irrational behavior.
I also listened to Joe Biden’s comments regarding the indictments. I read and reread his statement. In spite of my effort, I failed to derive Jensen’s hidden meaning behind the Senator’s words. For the record, I fail to see how the Libby indictments have anything to do with Joe Biden. The Grand Jury indicted Mr. Libby for lying. Had he not lied, a Grand Jury could not have indicted him. The special prosecutor went to great lengths to make sure that people understand that neither Mr. Bush nor the war in Iraq were factors. Opponents and proponents of the Iraqi War should not read the indictments as anything more than the fact that a witness, giving testimony before a Grand Jury has been accused of lying. The prosecutor reiterated this several times in response to reporters’ questions.
Finally, I also failed to spot anything in Joe Biden’s statement supporting a plot, even remotely, to diminish “this lying-ass president.” Furthermore, “bringing this country to the point of collapse in every possible way” would require unprecedented vested interest and collusion on everyone’s part. Where is it? I just don’t see it. I think we’d all have to be brain damaged to want this to happen. I can’t speak for Jensen; but count me out!
Jensen wears blinders relative to George W. Bush. He continues to defend the president’s actions to a fault. He sees honest criticism of this president, particularly as it pertains to Iraq, as nothing more than the left’s persistent attempts to impugn Mr. Bush’s integrity. While I admire loyalty to principle, I think that unquestioned loyalty to a person, even when that person does silly, irrational things is just plain stupid. Mr. Jensen’s paranoia has become obvious and it’s beginning to make him look silly. What a waste.
Joseph Walther is a freelance writer and publisher of The True Facts. Send email to: