By Joseph Walther
About a year ago—perhaps less—a reader sent me an email asking about a fellow named Steven Milloy. At the time, and even before that, Mr. Milloy had been a designated global warming darling of conservative TV and radio, particularly “fair and balanced” FOX Broadcasting.
I replied to her explaining his identity and his theory that global warming was NOT a real threat to our environment, but rather an exaggerated position on the part of various tree-hugging alarmists.
Since then, I’ve not given the man much thought because I haven’t heard from him. Some silly old scientific stuff has come up that tends to make his thoughts on the matter seem a bit… well, stupid.
I’m puzzled, though. Over this past week, for some reason, I’ve received several emails involving Mr. Milloy’s scientific credibility pertaining to global warming. So, I’m going to repeat my position on him.
Understand at the outset that Steven Milloy is not stupid. He has a legitimate scientific background. It’s nothing at the post-graduate level, mind you, but he does hold a Master of Health Science in Biostatics from Johns Hopkins University.
Johns Hopkins is an outstanding university with some of the best Health Science programs in the world. It is not the type of academic institution that bestows a degree based solely on a student’s payment of tuition.
While his academic credentials quality him to discuss a relationship between global warming and health science, they do not qualify him to discuss the matter in terms of its existence, real or imagined, at any purely scientific level.
His doing so is tantamount to seventeenth-century Bishop James Ussher concluding that God created the world around 7,000 years ago by back-tracking all of the “begats” in the Bible. He even set a date, Sunday, October 23, 4004 BC.
Practically no one in the objective scientific community pays Milloy any mind at all. I think it’s a mistake to do this. Here’s why.
In general, the American public tends to be, shall we say, a bit lethargic when it comes to the hard sciences. Perhaps it’s the somewhat daunting mathematics. Regardless, dudes like Milloy, seeming personifications of technical competence and authentication, always rush to the rescue.
In addition, their command of the proper “buzz” words makes them appear perceptibly articulate. When they also project pleasant on-air personalities—and Milloy is a master at it—listeners tend to like and trust them in a deceptively comfortable, Walter Cronkitish sort of way.
That their academic backgrounds have nothing to do with the scientific theories they routinely condemn AND that the listening public tends to be scientifically clueless, hide most of the hints that they’re a scientific panderers.
Milloy should print business cards that read; “Have theory, will travel. Wire Milloy.” It worked for Paladin, but he was a real gun fighter!
I mentioned earlier that Milloy was—he may still be—the darling of the Conservative point of view relative to global warming. In addition to this, FOX Broadcasting IS synonymous with the label, Conservative.
So, it’s important to differentiate between FOX News and the various show-time FOX talking heads: Hannity, O’Reilly, and a few others.
Both groups put Milloy on the air, the news group for the purpose of convincing the listening public of their “fair and balanced” philosophy. The other group used him because he told them precisely what they wanted to hear: global warming is liberal hype.
It’s also important to understand the personality make-up of those who listen to FOX. I think there are three types. There are those who (1)…truly believe that FOX News IS, in fact, “fair and balanced,” (2)…those who are dyed in the wool, dogmatic Republican absolutists, and (3)…those who are looking for simple entertainment.
The first type comprises intelligent people who are sick to their eyeballs with a mainstream media that’s become increasingly subtle in its liberal bias. I don’t blame them. The bias is real, though I don’t think that FOX is the definitive solution to reversing the fact.
Perhaps this type of viewer doesn’t understand that the news coming out of FOX is just as slanted, only to a conservative bend. After all, FOX only presents the conservative view, what it calls the “other perspective.” It’s this singular fact that gives rise to FOX’s “fair and balanced” claim.
The second type of listener comprises the “vote Republican at ANY cost” crowd. Regardless of the facts, these people will vote the Republican ticket with an unabashedly Newt Gingrich-like fervor in every aspect: social, fiscal, political, and dogmatic.
They, as well as others, call themselves arch-Conservatives. I call them stupid. Of course, the arch-Liberals are just as bad. I think they’re just as stupid!
The third type watches FOX because they think it is “cool” TV programming. They prefer the color red over blue but don’t know why. What else can they do? Girls Gone Wild is no longer on the air.
These people derive very little from the news—regardless of the channel—because they fall asleep almost as soon as it comes on. It gives them a headache. As such, there is no need to fret over this group. They’re inconsequential and, hopefully, they won’t bother to vote.
As well, the first type, (genuine 3-digit IQs), is in a perpetual search for those who can appeal to their sense of “logic.” They’re in a quandary to begin with because global warming is a complex matter involving more than a single scientific truth.
Milloy fits their bill to a tee. He’s affable, seemingly authentic, and entertaining. The fact that his logic is flawed is of no consequence. He sounds intellectually impressive; so, he must have a valid point. Besides, it beats the hell out of the mainstream news channels!
The other type likes Steven Milloy because he speaks their language. He tells them what they want to hear. They comprise most of George Bush’s 26% approval rating. They still fervently believe that we’ll find all of those WMDs.
Finally, many people have expressed a belief that hurricane Katrina provided an example of the unintended consequences of global warming. I don’t believe that it did. We have yet to see that level of devastation.
Yes, it was tragically devastating, but most of it resulted from human incompetence on an unprecedented scale, and not just among the Bush people, either. The locals, Liberals and Conservatives, were just as much to blame.
The entire country knew, well in advance, what was coming: a category-2 hurricane that would strengthen to a category-3 before landfall. People didn’t pay attention. It amounted to a colossal human screw-up!
When ocean temperatures warm, hurricanes become stronger. This isn’t rocket science. It doesn’t take much of a warm-up, either—as little as a half to one-degree will shift hurricanes’ numerical category designations by a half to three quarters of a point.
Essentially, a category one becomes a category two. Two’s become three’s; three’s become four’s, etc. The world’s getting warmer, so get ready for it.
In matters of science, many humans choose the path of least resistance because they’re in a perpetual search for facts that fit their preconceived notions. When the facts fail this task, it’s easier to ignore them than it is to reexamine the preconceived notions.
People like Steven Milloy, whether they are Conservatives OR Liberals, will always find a place in our hearts because of this. And, broadcasting companies like FOX, MSNBC, and CNN will always provide a forum. Ratings, you know!
Well, another week has come and gone. I hope all of you enjoyed your holiday. If not, keep the faith. There’s another one close on its heels. If you’re claustrophobic, though, it’s best to stay out of the shopping malls. See you next week. Stay safe.
Joseph Walther is a freelance writer and publisher of The True Facts. Copyright laws apply to all material on this site. Send your comments. Just click here.