Sunday, September 25, 2005

Honest, he only did it once!

Homosexual? Not In This Outfit!
By Joseph Walther

I was shocked earlier this week to learn that Pope Benedict XVI wants to ban homosexuals from the Roman Catholic Seminary. More on this in a moment… I was shocked but not surprised this morning when I read the News Journal’s exposé on Delaware’s prison system. The Vatican’s action, a move to lessen the impact of an ongoing social gut-punch caused by the priestly sex exploits in the United States, is so far off base that it’s laughable. The stupidity going on in Delaware’s prison system has been a black eye for this State for many years. The exposé is laudable, and will cause people to get downright irate, but it will be business as usual, I’m afraid.

Politics within the Roman Catholic Church make what goes on in our secular political system look like choirboy antics. One of the main differences is the fact that the church’s aggregate congregation does not get to participate in choosing its leaders. Members of any diocesan parish, stuck with ineffectual pastors and associate pastors, will attest to how helpless lay members are in these matters. The Roman Catholic Church is the personification of autocracy in action. Adding insult to injury, the Church justifies all of this disguised as the Pope’s “infallibility” relative to Roman Catholic Dogma.

For Benedict XVI to pretend that eliminating homosexuals from the seminaries will prevent anything is just stupid, especially since his move grandfathers all living homosexual priests, bishops, cardinals, and other members of the Holy Orders Gang. Since Pope Benedict XVI is not a stupid man, I am just going to assume that he thinks we are. Neither homosexual seminarians nor homosexual priests are the problem in the Roman Catholic Church. Perhaps the Pope would care to explain to us why he thinks that they are.

Socially, the terms chastity and celibacy have become synonymous. The two terms are not the same. The first definition of celibacy is the state of not being married or taking a vow not to marry. A more liberal definition of the term includes an abstention from sexual intercourse. Chastity, on the other hand is a: abstention from unlawful sexual intercourse, b: abstention from all sexual intercourse, c: purity in conduct and intention, and d: restraint and simplicity in design or expression. There is a second definition: personal integrity.

With these definitions in mind, secular order priests do not take vows of chastity or celibacy. They make a promise to a consecrating bishop that they will abstain from such activities. Religious order priests, on the other hand, take these as vows: literally, promises made directly to God. Regardless of technical definitions, a priest, in strict adherence to either a promise of abstinence or a vow to abstain, is not a sexual threat to anyone. The same holds true for seminarians. Unless such a person holds up a sign proclaiming his sexuality, how would anyone know?

People who prey sexually on prepubescent children are pedophiles. The sex of the child is of no consequence. The fact that the perpetrator is an ordained priest makes no difference, either. About 85% of all pedophiles are white heterosexual married males. The bulk of the sex abuse in the Catholic Church involved teens between the ages of 13 and 16 years of age. This kind of activity falls within the realm of both pederasty and ephebophilia. While not technically the same as pedophilia, both are illegal in the United States when the adolescent is less than 18-years of age.

Not only did these individuals commit social and criminal atrocities, the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States systematically covered it up. Herein is the source of the justifiable outrage aimed at the Catholic Church.

Well-adjusted homosexuals are more of an asset to our society than any mal-adjusted heterosexual is. The only segment of our society in denial of this is the religious segment, which bases its beliefs on religious dogma rather than scientific fact. This same crowd believes God created the Earth ten thousand years ago in seven days. Its members actually believe an old man, floating around the heavens, hurls fireballs at the people who piss Him off. They hold televised “cured” sessions on television where people actually claim to be “former” homosexuals. Get real; this would be like me telling people that I used to be “white.”

Here’s a hint, Your Holiness, if you really want to stop all of the sex scandals within your church, stop covering up the activities of criminals and allow the police and prosecutors to do their jobs! Those who do the cover-up are just a guilty as the direct perpetrators, and this includes you.

Now, on to the Delaware Prison sham…

Please read the Sunday News Journal exposé concerning the state of Delaware prisons. It’s a revelation but falls short of being a surprise. I have no love lost for Governor Minner and even less for State Correction Commissioner Stan Taylor. He’s no more than one more crony member of Ruth Ann Minner’s clueless club.

This week’s piece, I’m afraid, is just the tip of the iceberg. I know people confined to Delaware prison locations. The horror stories are legend. People convicted of felonies and sent to prison are there for punishment. Forget rehabilitation. However, there is a huge difference between punishment and state sanctioned torture. If this article is only ten percent true, we should impeach the governor and the Attorney General should bring criminal charges against the commissioner. Time will tell, but I suspect that nothing will ever come of it. That’s just the way it is in Delaware politics.

Finally, I am developing a web page,, at the suggestion of many readers of this column. It is under construction as I type this. The BLOG will continue, even after the web site is completed. However, I intend to change the format of the BLOG and make it a link on the web page. You can view the web page anytime by clicking on the above link. Once on the site, follow the links and you will find directions to link back to the BLOG.

Have a great week.

Joseph Walther is a freelance writer and publisher of The True Facts. Send email to:

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I pledge allegiance to, unless otherwise directed

Under Which God Do We Pledge Our Allegiance?
By Joseph Walther

Two things happened this past week and both are noteworthy. The first concerns a matter of national monumental littleness. The second presents a humorous glimpse at relativity. Let’s get right to the heart of both matters.

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled that the reference to “one nation under God” violates children’s right to be “free from coercive requirement to affirm God.” In other words, the judge ruled that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because of the term, “under God.” This stew, left cooking and unattended for years, has finally boiled over. We have to clean the kitchen as quickly as possible because there is dried out stew all over the place and it’s starting to smell the place up.

Michael A. Newdow, an avowed atheist, physician and lawyer has been unhappy about the “under God” business for years. He wants the Pledge of Allegiance restored to its original text, which did not mention God. “It’ll be emotional when it’s ruled that all Americans should be treated equally,” is what he said about the ruling. I’m paraphrasing here, but he also said that forcing his daughter to utter “under God” is tantamount to forcing her to admit that her father is wrong.

Equal treatment is a relative term and is, therefore, virtually impossible to accomplish. Attempting this feat has reduced our legal system to a shambles. The idea that the law can be all things to all people is impossible and plainly stupid. Our willingness to let the majority rule, assuming an honest majority with fact-based opinions, is the essence of a democratic society. Unfortunately, majority rule and equality for all are not synonymous. In fact, the two are, diametrically opposed, more often than not. We have to start understanding this. Sometimes crap just happens.

In the interest of some historical perspective, there was a fear-charged atmosphere in this country back in the early fifties. Those nasty, filthy, and Godless Commies were scaring the bejeezus out of the bible thumpers. I don’t think that the rest of us were feeling overly secure, either, given the news media’s propensity to accentuate the negative. So, Congress, with pressure provided by the Knights of Columbus, came to our rescue in 1954 by adding the words, “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance.

I am old enough to remember reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school before the wording change. Politicians have an uncontrollable urge to say things and pretend they are solving problems. We eat this up. We like to feel good and nothing resonates with us like a simple solution, even though the problem is complex. Since our leaders didn’t have a clue what to do about Communism back in those days, the move by Congress to add those fateful words was an attempt to make the masses feel more secure. It was a knee-jerk reaction to a seemingly unsolvable problem, just as our leaders of today have “declared war on terrorism.” It all sounds nice but it will eventually come back and bite us squarely on our collective ass. Do any of you feel those damn teeth?

I do not think that Dr. Newdow is evil incarnate because of his beliefs or the actions he has taken. However, in my opinion, a narcissistic personality more logically accounts for his actions than any genuine concern for America and its Constitution. Additionally, I don’t think he’s as concerned for his daughter’s feelings as he is with his need to “control”: people as well as circumstances. He loves his daughter but the uncontrollable urge to control renders the love secondary. A First Amendment issue, while technically correct, is more of a convenience than a matter of monumental urgency. What could be any better than a cause heaped with large portions of apparent constitutional flaws, ranking relatively low on the boogieman scale, and guaranteed to burst the veins on our collective foreheads? This is a talking heads bonanza and a virtual narcissist’s wet dream!

He surely knows the pain this causes for his daughter. Nine year olds can be cruel as hell. The ridicule she will endure as a result of this sickens me. Someday, this child will be old enough and smart enough to dish this crap right back at her father. He’ll wonder what hit him. For the life of me, I cannot fathom doing this to one of my children.

While it is true that we face some tremendously dangerous problems, globally as well as nationally, having the term, “under God”, in the Pledge of Allegiance is not even on the radar screen. On a scale of zero to ten, it has to rank somewhere between zero and one. Global warming melting the icecaps, racial discrimination, an ever enlarging base of poor people who are getting poorer by the hour, increasing white collar crime, scary political and social polarization, and terrorists throughout the world trying to annihilate us, are just a few of them. If Dr. Newdow thinks that having the words, “under God,” in our Pledge is a greater threat to our national well-being than just these few things, then I fear that he is one of the real boogiemen that we need to watch.

The United States Supreme Court must deal with this. I mean bring it to conclusion, not skirt the issue the way it did the first time. Rule one way or the other. Those inevitably drawn to disagreeing with practically everything need to get over it and themselves. We, as a nation, have bigger fish to fry.

On a lighter note, I stopped at a sub/steak shop this past Saturday night. There were two cash register stations manned. One of the clerks was a young woman about 19-years old. A man knocking on fifty’s door was working the other cash register, which was right next to the other one. A customer at the young woman’s station asked about another employee named Betty. This confused the clerk because she didn’t know Betty. The customer began a description. “Oh, you mean Doris,” she exclaimed. “Is she an older woman?” “Yes,” said the customer. The other clerk, with a condescending smirk, admonished the young clerk. “Doris is thirty. That’s not old!” I spoke up and said, “It is if you are eighteen.”

Age is a chronologic absolute that is situationally relative. In other words, to 15-year olds the world over, thirty is ALMOST DEAD! If you’re my age, get your affairs in order NOW.

That’s it for now. Have a great week.

Joseph Walther is a freelance writer and publisher of The True Facts. Send comments to:

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Um, you don't use electrolysis, do you?

Neanderthals Are Alive and Well
By Joseph Walther

I am moving onto something else, folks. Please understand. I haven’t lost empathy for those devastated by 9/11 and, more recently, Katrina. I am, however, uncomfortably bloated as the result of a non-stop diet of name-calling and blame delegation. Of course, the national and local pundits insist that they are only interested in keeping all of us dweeby citizens informed. Political bias and prejudice, as well as media ratings, have nothing to do with their endless blather. Just ask them.

Let me tell you this. Terrorists attacked us on September 11, 2001. It was not George Bush. Neither was it God getting even with America because some gays wanted to get married. It was a group of murderers using religious zealotry as an excuse. It’s going to happen again because the United States Congress follows the path of least resistance. It is easier and less dangerous to be reactive rather than proactive. Terrorism provides a healthy supply of knee-jerk reaction and it seems to be what we dummies want. After all, we keep reelecting the same mental midgets term after term.

Here’s something else. Katrina was a natural disaster. George Bush did not cause it. Again, neither was it God getting even with us because some homosexuals were going to be exposing themselves on Bourbon Street. The levees broke under the stress of a category IV hurricane and because the local government, with the aid of its Congressional delegation, was more interested in pork than prevention. George Bush’s culpability in all this has to be restricted to his usual slowness to comprehend disaster when it happens. He can’t help this because he’s just stupid in such matters.

Finally, we all share some of the blame. We, not the U. S. President or the U. S. Congress, have turned this country into a legal quagmire in which the lawyers and the courts rule. We reward political mediocrity with perpetual reelection. Unfortunately, we don't seem bothered that Congress can't tell the difference between moving fast and going somewhere. We, as well as Congress, fail to realize that loyalty to a principle is not the same as loyalty to a person. We continue to tear our moral fabric apart because of legitimate disagreements over matters of principle. We want instant gratification, all the while proclaiming our innocence at not accepting responsibility for our actions. George Bush doesn’t hate black people because he is not a racist. He does not hate poor people, either. The latter, however, makes him uncomfortable because he is clueless when it comes to poverty.

George Bush is a president who means what he says, when he says it, insofar as he understands it, based on what his aids have told him about it. Even then, he hears what he wants to hear and his memory is selective to say the least. Maybe he’s too busy talking to that “Higher Authority” he often speaks of. Regardless, this does not make him racist, uncaring, heartless, or criminal. It just makes him a national embarrassment and a potential danger to himself. If Laura doesn’t start insisting that he begin thinking before opening his mouth, these kinds of things are going to continue plaguing his administration.

I have received thousands of emails in response to my columns. The readers have not rendered this one exempt, either. I will share some of them in next week’s column. In the meantime, I’m going to start looking at some local stuff as a change of pace. Other things equal, the local stuff scares me more than the terrorists and natural disasters combined.

I live in Delaware, the second smallest state in the nation. Delaware consists of 2,489 square miles, of which 1,955 square miles comprise its landmass. Strip away that area of landmass restricted from development and Delaware fits, albeit snuggly, inside the Bronx in New York City. I can travel the length of the state, northern tip to southern tip in about two hours, even in moderate traffic. Going east to west at its widest point takes less than thirty minutes. We’re like Israel only without the Palestinian attacks.

We have three layers of government: state, county, and local. I am amazed at this and often wonder why it is so. We can hold our bureaucratic own, too. Our bureaucrat to citizen ratio is among the lowest in the nation. The State General Assembly consists of 21 senators and 41 representatives. Why does a state with a landmass of 1,955 square miles need 62 members in the State Assembly? That’s a cool 32.5 square miles per member. Throwing in the three county governments and a host of city governments, we have elected officials coming out of the woodwork, everyone of which is unselfishly looking out for my welfare. If this isn’t stoicism at its best, I don’t know what is. Boy, do I feel safe and snuggly!

On top of this, the majority of the Assembly’s members have been there a long time. I swear that I recognize many of them from the portraits of Christ’s last supper. Some districts elected their representatives and senators via the sympathy vote. In other words, their elected spouses died in office and the surviving spouse unselfishly picked up the standard and carried on. In one case, not only did the elected spouse die in office, but he also had the uncanny luck to do so before the FBI could indict him.

We have to remember other things as well. These people have exempted themselves from the Freedom of Information Act. They can change the State Constitution without any input from us annoying constituents. Nor, let’s not forget, do they allow for referendum votes. Plus, there is no recall process in the event that we’d like to throw one of the bums out of office. Essentially, once elected, they’re there until they die. No wonder I’ve not seen Dennis Williams in over 7-years. Gee, he hasn’t died, has he?

I’ll bet that all of you thought that the Neanderthals died off. Some of them did, but not all of them. The surviving ones are members of the Delaware General Assembly. Not ALL members of the Assembly are Neanderthals. In later columns, I’ll tell you who is and isn’t. While we can find an ample percentage of them in the State Assembly, local governments supply a sizeable percentage of them, also.

Elected officials, however, are not the sole component of Neanderthals. We must not forget about our public school administrators, school boards, and our post-secondary public institutional administrators. They, too, supply a big component of Neanderthals.

We have three post secondary educational institutions, or maybe it’s only two. Delaware State University and Delaware Technical & Community College are definitely state institutions. The University of Delaware changes back and forth, depending on whether the State is giving money or taking money. They claim state agency status in cases of the former and land-grant status in cases of the latter. If we view post secondary educational institutions from a sexual standpoint, we’d likely refer to the University of Delaware as the bisexual element. They can’t seem to make up their minds.

Public School Administrators, in my view and generally speaking, are a vicious and pretentious lot because the stakes are so darn low. This is particularly true relative to post-secondary administrators. Their language is passive voice, always using too many words to express a few ideas. I suppose they do this in order to project more intellect than actually exists. Of the three institutions, Delaware Tech has the most exceptions to this dilemma. I am not going to tell you who these exceptions are because we each have our opinions. However, in many cases, electrolysis is the only logical explanation for the lot them having foreheads.

Overall, Delaware is a great place to live. It’s just that we could do with about 70% less government, public administrators, and assorted other established bureaucrats and wannabee bureaucrats. A more open form of government is definitely in order, but it’ll never happen until we demand it. In the weeks to come, I would like to discuss some of these matters on the record. It’s going to be fun. I hope you’ll stay tuned.

Joseph Walther is a freelance writer and publisher of The True Facts. Send email to:

Sunday, September 04, 2005

There's been a flood!

Don’t Screw With Mother Nature
By Joseph Walther

Six days ago, August 29,, 2005, the Gulf Coast of the United States took a direct hit of monumental proportions from Hurricane Katrina. The city of New Orleans, as we’ve known her, no longer exists. Common sense dictates that the loss in human lives has to be high, but no one knows how high. I don’t even like to think about how high it might be. Adding insult to injury, the entire world has been watching as our political leaders, national and local, have done their level best to look like morons. With this kind of leadership, Larry, Curly, and Moe will live forever.

I watched in horror as the images of survivors suffering indescribable hell flashed non-stop across the television screen. I shuddered at the mere thought of raging floodwater ripping one of my children from my arms. The longest that I ever went without food was two days. It was not pleasant. How would you react to no plumbing or drinking water, indefinitely at that? Can anyone reading this imagine what it must be like to go five days without food or water and with no idea of when it will end or even IF it will end? How would any of us have dealt with one of our children, sick with fever and infection, dying in our arms as the TV cameras rolled?

Scores of NPR and other major network news reporters described the horror of all of this repeatedly beginning on August 29. Then, on September 1, FEMA Director Michael Brown tried to convince Ted Koppel of Nightline that he had just learned of the convention center mess. To Mr. Koppel’s credit, he blistered Mr. Brown with “Don’t you guys watch television? Don’t you guys listen to radio? Our reporters have been reporting on it for more than just today.” The more Brown spoke, the more inept he appeared.

Congress, continuing its long allegiance to stupidity, stepped right up, and through Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives, doused the flames of rage with this gem. “It makes no sense to spend billions of dollars to rebuild a city that’s seven feet under sea level… It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed.” Nice touch, don’t ya think?

Then, as only George Bush is capable, came this pearl. “We’ve got a lot of rebuilding to do… The good news is—and its hard for some to see it now—that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott’s house—he’s lost his entire house—there’s going to be a fantastic house. And I’m looking forward to sitting on the porch.” (This drew a bit of crony laughter.) Laura, help us out by insisting that you, not he, do the impromptu remarks.

Last, in the interest of convincing all of us of his congenital situational ineptness, George Bush came out with this tidbit on September 1, 2005. He was speaking on “Good Morning America” when he said, “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.” I guess he just didn’t hear all of those experts’ repeated warnings six days earlier. LAURA, PLEASE!

Of course, Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN did not intend to let Michael Brown and the rest of the Feds hog all that stupidity limelight for themselves. Greta Van Sustern of “On the Record” fame broke off her perpetual coverage of the Natalee Holloway disappearance to lend her probing interviewing expertise to the coverage of Katrina. I hope I'm not giving you the wrong idea. What happened to Natalee Holloway and the gut-wrenching hell her family is going through is no lightweight matter. I just don’t think that Greta’s incessant blathering about it does much to help anything other than her ratings.

I am sure all of you have listened to some of these intrepid windbags. I do, and like many of you, I enjoy listening to them from time-to-time. Personally, I think they can be informative, entertaining, and downright funny at times. This time, unfortunately, they haven’t come close. Having said this, I’m not going to give them any more press here. However, Keith Oberman, from “Countdown,” went beyond all of the others. Keith interviewed none other than the self-appointed guardian of moral integrity, Al Sharpton. You’ll never guess what Al had found? Yes, he discovered racism in this tragedy. Al, of course, finds racism in everything, even if he has to make some up. How’s Tawana Brawley doing these days, Reverend Al?

Finally, let’s not ignore the “God Guys.” Steve Lefemine of Columbus, South Carolina hates abortion. He said, “In my belief, God judged New Orleans for the sin of shedding innocent blood through abortion.” He made this statement because, as he was viewing a full-color satellite map of Hurricane Katrina’s swirls, he saw the image of an 8-week old fetus. He continued his statement with this. “Providence punishes national sins by national calamities. Greater divine judgment is coming upon America unless we repent of the national sin of abortion.”

Here’s a perfect example of how two people can view the same thing and see different things. I looked at the same swirls but I saw something altogether different. As embarrassing as this is to say, let me just tell you that I had to go to confession afterward. The priest told me that there’s no way I’m getting to heaven with such thoughts!

“It is almost certain that this is a wind of torment and evil that Allah has sent to this American empire.” This is what a Kuwaiti official by the name of Mohammad Yousef Mlaifi said. He continued, “The Terrorist Katrina is one of the Soldiers of Allah…” Here, I thought we were getting along so well, Yousef. You know, the way we took your oil fields away from Saddam awhile back. Remember?

Stan Goodenough, a Christian journalist over in Israel is upset with us, too. “What America is about to experience is the lifting of God’s hand of protection; the implementation of His judgment on the nation most responsible for endangering the land and people of Israel.” Gee, would it help any if we just stopped sending all that aid to you guys, Stan? I’m just trying to be helpful here.

Do any of you folks know Michael Marcavage from Philadelphia, PA? I’ve never heard of him. Regardless, Mike has it all figured out. Gay men and lesbians, throughout the country, brought all of this on us because they were planning to participate in a New Orleans street festival called “Southern Decadence.” Michael further stated that, “We take no joy in the death of innocent people… But we believe that God is in control of the weather… The day Bourbon Street and the French Quarter was flooded was the day that 125,000 homosexuals were going to be celebrating sin in the streets… We’re calling it an act of God.” Incase any of you are interested, Mike was a 1999 White House intern during Bill Clinton’s administration. He now runs an outfit called Repent America.

What really amazes me about all of this is the fact that neither Jerry Falwell nor Pat Robertson has tried to bring the homosexuals and their attempts at legalizing gay marriage to bear on all of this. It’ll happen, though, just as surely as a hangover follows a drinking binge. I can’t wait to read about it.

This stuff would be laughable if it were not for the fact that people report such maniacal rants with an air of seriousness that encourages more of it. May Odin, Thor, and Frey help all of us sane people. I know that you guys are the “man!”

About a year ago, National Geographic published an article called “Gone with the Water.” Joel K. Bourne, Jr. wrote it. Here’s a small excerpt.

“The storm hit Breton Sound with the fury of a nuclear warhead, pushing a deadly storm surge into Lake Pontchartrain. The water crept to the top of the massive berm that holds back the lake and then spilled over. More than 80 percent of New Orleans lies below sea level—more than eight feet below in places—so the water poured in. A liquid brown wall washed over the brick ranch homes of Gentilly, over the clapboard houses of the Ninth Ward, over the white-columned porches of the Garden District, until it raced through the bars and strip joints on Bourbon Street like the pale rider of the Apocalypse. As it reached 25 feet (eight meters) over parts of the city, people climbed onto roofs to escape it.

“Thousands drowned in the murky brew that was soon contaminated by sewage and industrial waste. Thousands more who survived the flood later perished from dehydration and disease as they waited to be rescued. It took two months to pump the city dry, and then the Big Easy was buried under a blanket of putrid sediment, a million people were homeless, and 50,000 were dead. It was the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States.”

Again, note that Mr. Bourne wrote this about a year ago. The accuracy of the forecast has nothing to do with God. He based it on pure science. The Army Corp of Engineers, at the insistence of State Congressional Representatives acceding to the wishes of the local genre of short-term oriented politicians, built levees along the Mississippi and drained the marshland. New Orleans than sank ever deeper and deeper below sea level, destroying the barrier islands that protected the Gulf. The same thing would happen to your house if you constantly removed dirt from under its foundation. Try it if you don’t believe me.

None of it had a thing to do with boys kissing boys on Bourbon Street. None of it had a thing to do with the Israelis giving up West Bank settlements. None of it had a thing to do with abortions, or Allah, or any other “pull one out of your butt” reason.

Humans created this disaster because we have a habit of praying at the altar of short-term gains instead of considering long-term consequences which, as we’ve seen recently, can be deadly. Politicians can’t think beyond four-years, two in the case of the U. S. House of Representatives. Having people reelect you instead of doing real work is the prime directive. Telling people what they want to hear is the lowest common denominator and surest way to perpetuate this directive. It goes on in every state within this country.

Essentially, we always get what we deserve in the end. We may not like it or think that we deserve it, because we don’t think about the unintended consequences. This will continue to be the case until we learn that “reward” and “punishment” are human terms. They don’t exist in Nature. In Nature, there are only consequences. Upsetting Mother Nature is not a smart thing to do. Some people have told me that even God gets out of her way. Even if there were a God, I would think Him too busy with a whole universe to take care of and all, to be worried about what some shortsighted humans do or do not do, especially things like regulating people’s sex lives. After all, I thought the Republican Party was supposed to do this.

Folks, there were many people devastated by this hurricane. They are going to be hurting for a long time. They need help. If you are one who has a relationship with God, please make contact now and then donate to the Red Cross. If you don’t relate to a Deity, then just make the donation. We need to tell our elected officials to stop embarrassing us in front of the rest of the world. Let’s just tell them to shut up. Laura, you take care of telling George.

It’s going to take solid engineering and scientific know how to get through this. This means money. The politicians could help a whole lot by finding the money, giving it to the people who know what they are doing and then get out of the way. Talk about your impossible dreams!

Thanks for reading. Next week, I want to get back on track and start ripping our local politicians and other assorted public figures, including public school administrators and school boards, to shreds. Talk with you soon.

Joseph Walther is a freelance writer and publisher of The True Facts. Send email to: